Thursday, February 15, 2007

A Look Around Campus

A view of the campus from the garden.

The garden from the entryway to the dining room.

Here is a view of the garden from near the front gate. On the right is a young palm tree, to the left the whiteish tree is an olive tree and the arched hedge is a huge Bay Laurel bush that is the source of Bay Leaves, a common spice.

I enjoyed taking this photo of some winter flowers in the garden. Also, as an update, the white flowers that I posted earlier are flowers of an almond tree. Before I come home in May there will be a harvest of fresh almonds that are eaten shell and all while they are still green.

Inside of the building there is an inner courtyard that you have to go through to get throughout the building. My room is in what I call "the crow's nest" at the top of the brown wooden stairs.

This is a view of the dining room. My expert photography skills ;) make it look a bit nicer than it really is in real life.

This is our student lounge. The building is an all stone construction that was built sometime around two hundred years ago by the British as a boys school. Since they did not use steel or other beams all of the ceilings on the first floor are comprised of these arches. In this room the plaster has been removed for a nice casual effect. The campus is currently on longterm lease to JUC from the Anglican Church.

Here is another view of the student lounge. This is what a typical hallway/stairwell looks like.This is my room. My bed is to the right. Some of the rooms are more like the lounge with nicer stone floors and high domed ceilings but this does just fine and keeps me in shape climbing all of the stairs!
This is a detail of a "relieving arch" over a window. Since there was no steel available to support the window as is used in today's masonry projects every window is either a strong natural arch or an arch such as the one above. This type of arch allows for a rectangular window.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the wonderful tour Justin! It really looks like a beautiful place and it is nice to be able to actually see where you are living! great photography too!

Nate said...

It has been a while since I have heard from you since scouts 7 years ago. I enjoy reading about were you are in life today. It's a beautiful place.

Unknown said...

yo, bet that place gets warm in the summer. you might be sleeping on the roof then.

Myca said...

Good job on the photography. FYI, the purple flower is osteospermum, and can be cultivated here in the States.

Missie said...

It's good to see where you are staying. Thanks for taking time to keep us all updated.

susie said...

Living in buildings that have "character" must make a great backdrop for learning. But the question that the boys want to know is how far do you walk to take a shower? Pinewood Derby yesterday....we had a respectable showing in the first round of the losers bracket and then things went down hill. Everyone was happy though and already planning for next year. Take care and be safe.

Unknown said...

Cool pictures Justin. What the heck kind of blanket is on your bed........ I can't sleep with "loud" sheet or blankets. It's like the colors make noise or something. That dining hall and student lounge might make up for it though!

Justin Amsler said...

Kendall and Eric - It is good to hear that you had fun derby this year. It is nice to win but the fun really is in making and racing the cars. As for the bathroom - if you look at the picture of the inner courtyard the bathroom is behind the vines on the right on the second floor. So it is not far but I do have to go down a flight of stairs to get to it.

Justin Amsler said...

Myca - I am envious of your Horticulture degree! Thanks for the flower I.D. How are you guys doing?